Monday, May 23, 2011

Bring on the Pain

Portland or Bust
as in, imma gonna be bustin' my ass hardcore

This is a picture of Gabe and I holding the sign I made to cheer him on at the
Ogden Marathon this past weekend. 
Can you imagine what a jerk he must have thought I was, standing there at mile 26, with .2 miles left to go, the finish line is in sight, and I am there to remind him that we are doing the next one together?
I couldn't just let him finish, live in the moment
and celebrate before thinking ahead.
Nah, that's not my style.  I had to be a smart ass.

Have you ever seen someone run a marathon?? 
I have watched Gabe run 13 of them now.
To be honest, it makes me cry watching someone take it on.
and.....scared shit less at the mere thought of it.
What's the big deal?
26.2 miles is the answer
Doesn't seem far to you?
Get in your car and drive it, now imagine running it.

I have been on this weight loss journey for over 2 years now, and my running adventures started at the same time with a 5k.  The following Fall, I ran another one, and decided that I wanted to be a runner, I wanted to push myself.  I registered for a Half Marathon the next Spring.  I finished my first Half Marathon over a year ago, and ran 3 more last year,
and I have completed 2 so far this year. sounds pretty fantastic when I write it down,
but I want more......
or do I?  Yes. I Do.
It is on the list...the Weight Loss Bucket List.
I will share the details of that to come, but for now, know this....
it is the ultimate prize in my mind,
The Glory of saying I ran a Marathon,
and kicked it's ass with my awesomeness.

Here is the map of the Portland Marathon route, the one that I finally chose, after much thought.
Why Portland?
Well, the course is open for 8 hours. 
This is the most walker friendly marathon in the country.
I know I will train to run this whole thing,
and I will train my ass off hoping to finish it in half that time.
But if I don't, if I fall short of that time,
I will still finish. 
If I break my leg, get sick, or god forbid something else happens,
I will crawl my sorry ass to the finish,
even if it takes the whole 8 hours.

Please stay with me while I embark on this journey.  I am going to keep track of my training, my thoughts after, how I am doing and feeling at the time.  This is going to be life changing for me in so many ways.
It is not the final chapter in this journey I have been on, but rather a

Like I said before....Bring On The Pain.  I am ready.


  1. Awesome goal! And it is easier when you have someone to train and do the race with. I did my first marathon in October with my sister and it was so worth it. Looking forward to watching your journey.

  2. Effing inspiring... I've always wanted to know your story. Thanks for sharing!

  3. are my hero. Freckles, red lipstick, derby girl AND marathon finisher? Jason is a lucky man. I think I am in love.
